请输入您的身份证号码,它是作为查询您申请进度的重要依据。 Please enter your ID Card number. This number is important for the verification of your application.
如果您没有电子邮箱,可以使用以下格式:身份证号码例如 you don't have an email address, please enter an address in the following format: ID Card number @ (e.g.
请输入一个密码 Please choose a password.
01. 请选择地点与时间 (Please select Date)
目前只开办西安夏令营 currently only Xi'an available
第一周 - 主题-艺术与手工艺,7月12~18日 Week 1 - Theme: Arts & Craft Start date: July 12th until July 18th
第二周 - 主题-时装时尚,7月19~25日 Week 2 - Theme: Fashion Start date: July 19th until July 25th
第三周 - 主题-电影艺术,7月26~8月1日 Week 3 - Theme: Film/Movie Start date: July 26th until August 1st
第四周 - 主题-绘画艺术,8月2~8日 Week 4: Theme: Painting Start date: August 2nd until August 8th
第五周 - 主题-戏剧表演,8月9~15日 Week 5: Theme: Theater Start date: August 9th until August 15th

If you book more than one week you will receive 20% Discount on the 2nd Week and 20% Discount (e.g. 2000RMB/1 Week, 3600RMB/2 Weeks, 5200RMB/3 Weeks, 6800RMB/4 weeks, specially 8000RMB/5 weeks). The weekly theme means, that students will have one day of the week, focusing on the theme of the week.
Preferred activity: The student can choose one focus activity that will be dealt with all week, except on the one day that will be reserved for the weekly theme.
02. 学生个人信息 (Student Personal Information)
Family Name
First Name
English Name (optional) English Name (optional)
Date of birth
School & Major
T-Shirt size
03. 家长联络信息 (Parental Contact Information)
Home address
Telephone (home)
Telephone (work)
Email address
Second email address
Contact Person for Emergency
Emergency Contact Cellphone
Relationship to student
Please Specify
04. 健康情况说明 (Medical Information)
Please indicate any special food requirements:

Do you have any of the following medical conditions which may require special care?
严重哮喘症 Severe Asthma
强烈过敏症 Life-threatening allergy
癫痫症 Seizure disorder or epilepsy
糖尿病 Diabetes
Are you on any medication? If yes, please specify:
Do you have any allergies? If yes, please specify:
05. 费用支付信息 (Payment Option)
06. 套餐选择 (Package options)
07. 权责声明 (Authorization)
I acknowledge all information given above are accurate to the best of my knowledge. In permitting my child to attend the Waldorfcamp Program, I, the undersigned, permit my child to participate in the full range of activities and authorize the Program Coordinator or his/her appointee, in the event of accident or illness affecting this above named student, to authorize on my behalf all procedures, including admission to hospital and necessary treatment therein, as he or she may deem necessary for the care and well-being of the student. I understand that my child is obliged to abide by the Rules and Regulation of and Failure to do so, my result in suspension from the program without any refund.
Parent's / Guardian's Name:
Parent's / Guardian's ID Card No.:
Your message/Question to us (also see faqs for more Information):
08. 网络调查 (Vote)
How did you know WaldorfCamp in Xi'An?