FAQ 常见问题及解答
1.1 How can I apply for the WaldorfCamp?
1.2 When does the registration start for the WaldorfCamp in Xi’an for the WaldorfCamp Summer 2010?
1.3 Can I choose and combine from different weeks of the WaldorfCamp to participate more than only one week?
1.4 Does it matter if I am 7 years old or 21 year old, if I am a boy or a girl for participating at the WaldorfCamp?
2.1 How do I pay for WaldorfCamp?
2.2 How much is the WaldorfCamp per week?
2.3 If I change my mind and do not want to participate in the WaldorfCamp before it started or during the time on the WaldorfCamp, do I get refund of my payment?
3.1 Where does the WaldorfCamp in summer of 2010 take place?
3.2 When does the WaldorfCamp take place and what themes do you offer?
3.3 What do we learn and what activities will we do at the WaldorfCamp?
3.4 What kind of training to the foreign teachers for WaldorfCamps have?
3.5 Do I have to have an English name?
3.6 Who are the tutors from the WaldorfCamp and where do they come from?
3.7 How do the tutors know me on the WaldorfCamp?
3.8 How do we sleep at the WaldorfCamp?
3.9 What happens if I suddenly feel sick and have to see a doctor?
3.10 What do I need to bring to the WaldorfCamp?
3.11 Can we bring cell phones, cameras, mp3-player and GameBoys, PlayStations and other electronic devices?
3.12 Can we bring or drink alcohol during the WaldorfCamp?
3.13 Can we bring cigarettes or smoke during the WaldorfCamp?
3.14 If I want to leave the WaldorfCamp for a certain time (day or evening) – to whom do I speak for letting the organizers know about my absence?
4. Accomodation and Food / 关于住宿和伙食
4.1 What if I am allergic to certain food?
5. About WaldorfCamp network / 关于全球华德福夏令营网络
5.1 Are you planning to do the WaldorfCamps regularly in China?
5.2 What kind of Camps did the organization team of WaldorfCamp already do and where?
5.3 What is Osterfreizeit, where and when did you do Osterfreizeit Camps in Europe?
5.4 What countries to you plan in the future and where on WaldorfCamps?
5.5 Can I find WaldorfCamps also in my region?
6.1 My questions are not answered here at the “FAQ” – where can I call for help?
6.2 Call us for assistance and help!
1 Application / 关于申请
1.1 How can I apply for the WaldorfCamp?
- You can come directly to the hosting school’s office and fill out the application.
- Please bring your ID and the full amount in cash to register the student. You have to first bring the cash to the school’s accountancy office and bring the receipt to the WaldorfCamp booth, where you can register. You then can check online or via telephone maximum 3 days later for your confirmation (confirmation number with your English name will give you access to get your final confirmation). Office hours will be: Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- You can also register online. When you register online, you have to make the full payment to our account first and then fill out the online form, providing us with the transfer number or send us via mail or e-mail your transfer proof (e.g. an pdf or screen shot from your transfer).
- You can combine your registration online and offline by making a online transfer of our WaldorfCamp fee and bring the transfer proof to our booth at the hosting school’s office.
- 您可以直接到当地的合作学校报名办公室报名,并填写申请表格。
- 报名时请携带您的身份证(或户籍证明)和所需交纳的费用。首先您到学校的财务处交纳费用,取得收据后到华德福夏令营报名处登记注册。三天后您可以自行到我们的官方网站或者拨打上海总部电话确认是否注册成功(您将获得一个确认号码,与您的英文姓名绑定作为最终确认信息)。我们的上海办公室电话接听时间为每周一至周五上午10点到下午4点。
- 您也可以通过网络在线注册。如果您通过网络注册,需要您预先汇款成功,再将汇款凭据号填入网上申请表,或者将汇款凭据通过邮件发送至我们(例如:扫描成pdf文件或者截图皆可)。
- 您还可以两者结合。通过网上汇付所需费用,再携带汇款凭据至我们设在当地合作学校的报名处现场报名。
1.2 When does the registration start for the WaldorfCamp in Xi’an for the WaldorfCamp Summer 2010?
- We will start the online and local registration process in January 2010
- Please register as soon as possible because we have limited capacity for our WaldorfCamps!
- 本次西安华德福夏令营的开放注册时间将从2010年1月开始。
- 由于此次西安华德福夏令营有参与名额限制,请您务必尽快申请报名。
1.3 Can I choose and combine from different weeks of the WaldorfCamp to participate more than only one week?
- Yes, you can. All weeks are designed for you to do also multi-booking with changing activities for you and advance gradually your English courses.
- Yes, you can also book week 2 and then again week 4 and 5 for instance, you do not have to participate necessarily the following week in case you want to stay 2 weeks all together.
- For more information to this question, look under: http://waldorfcamp.org/en/pages/schedule2010.php (English)
- 是的,您可以申请多周的活动。所有周次的日程设计都体现了丰富性,包括不同的活动和不同的英文课程水平。
- 是的,您不一定需要申请连续的周次,例如,您可以申请第二周,然后第四周和第五周,所有的周次选择将根据您的意愿而来。
- 欲了解更多关于日程选择安排的信息,请点击浏览:http://waldorfcamp.org/cn/pages/schedule2010.php(中文)
1.4 Does it matter if I am 7 years old or 21 year old, if I am a boy or a girl for participating at the WaldorfCamp?
- No, this does not matter if you’re between 7 and 21 year-old, as long as you have the permission of your parents or guardians if you’re bellow 18, no other regulations.
- We have trained tutors for all age groups and tutors taking care of your daily needs whether you are a young lady or young gentleman J
- Please register as soon as possible because we have limited capacity for our WaldorfCamps and need to coordinate the right tutors for the right group of participants!
- 如果您的年龄介于7至21岁(包含7岁和21岁),如果未满18岁,只要得到您父母或者监护人的允许即可参加;其他的没有特别限制。
- 我们的外教都是经过专业培训的,他们知道如何针对男孩和女孩的生活起居进行管理照顾。
- 为了更好地协调我们的外教人数和性别,请您尽快申请告知我们您的具体信息,以便我们做好合理搭配。
2 Payment / 关于交费
2.1 How do I pay for WaldorfCamp?
- Cash at the school (to the accountant of the hosting school before you register)
- Money transfer to our account (please keep the transfer number and proof!)
- 直接在当地合作学校交费(正式登记注册之前将费用交清)。
- 将费用直接汇至我们的银行账户(请保管好您的汇款凭据,它将作为您的付款证明)。
2.2 How much is the WaldorfCamp per week?
Weeks / 周次 | Prices / 价格 | You save! / 为您节省 |
Each participant for 1 week 每人每周 |
2,000 RMB | |
Participating 2 weeks 一人申请两周 |
2,000 + 1,600 (20% off) = 3,600 RMB | 400 RMB |
Participating 3 weeks 一人申请三周 |
2,000 + 3,200 (20% off) = 5,200 RMB | 800 RMB |
Participating 4 weeks 一人申请四周 |
2,000 + 4,800 (20% off) = 6,800 RMB | 1,200 RMB |
Participating all 5 weeks 一人申请五周 |
8,000 RMB (1 week for free / 免费一周) |
2,000 RMB |
- The fee for one week of 2010 Xi’an WaldorfCamp will be RMB 2,000.
- If you book more than one week you will receive 20% discount on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th week, the 5th week for free.
- The weekly theme means, that students will have one day of the week, focusing on the theme of the week.
- On the application form you will find the weeks and themes to choose from, please, indicate your wish for multiple booking.
- For more information to this question, look under: http://waldorfcamp.org/en/pages/schedule2010.php (English)
- 2010年西安华德福夏令营单周全部费用为2000元人民币。
- 如果您申请了超过一周的活动,我们将给予一定的折扣:第一周原价,第二周、第三周、第四周为八折,第五周免费。
- 每周主题是指,在每周的其中一天,学生们将得到关于指定主题的集中培训。
- 在申请表重您将看到有周次与主题的说明,请勾选出您感兴趣的主题周。
- 欲了解更多关于活动主题说明的问题,请点击浏览:http://waldorfcamp.org/cn/pages/schedule2010.php (中文)
2.3 If I change my mind and do not want to participate in the WaldorfCamp before it started or during the time on the WaldorfCamp, do I get refund of my payment?
Cancellation / 申请取消 | Refund / 费用返还 |
Present until 45 days before start date 开营45日之前 |
80% (20% service charge) 退还所有费用的80%(20%作为服务费用) |
45 days to 30 days before start date 开营前45至30日内 |
50% 退还所有费用的50% |
30 days to 15 days before start date 开营前30至15日内 |
30% 退还所有费用的30% |
15 days to 0 days before start date 开营前15日内 |
No refund! 恕不退还所有费用 |
- If you find a suitable substitute for you to participate, you can get the full 100% refund – pls, in this case talk to us and let us know, who your replacing participant will be.
- However, we will try our utmost for you to maybe change the date and time of your participation in case we can make it – without extra payment.
- 特殊情况说明,如果您找到一个接替你的名额的人,你可以及时告知我们,等该人参与信息确认之后我们将退还您的所有费用。
- 不管如何,我们将尽我们最大的努力根据您的要求做出可能的时间调整,不收取额外费用,以避免您的不必要损失。
3 Questions regarding the themes, schedule, procedure, organization and rules of the Camp / 关于华德福夏令营主题、日程安排、活动、组织以及守则等的问题
3.1 Where does the WaldorfCamp in summer of 2010 take place?
- The venue of the upcoming summer with the WaldorfCamp will be held in Xi’an, China at the hosting school campus of the Xi'An College of Art and Technology. The address is No.19 South Fengdeng Rd. Lianhu Dist., Xi’an City, China (P.C.710077).
- 即将到来的2010年西安华德福夏令营活动将在中国西安美科专修学院开营,地址位于中国陕西省西安市莲湖区丰登南路19号 (邮编710077).
3.2 When does the WaldorfCamp take place and what themes do you offer?
Themes / 主题 | Dates / 时间日期 |
Week 1: Theme Arts & Craft 主题一:艺术与手工艺 |
Start date: Monday, July 12th, 8:30 am until Saturday, July 17th evening / or Sunday, July 18th in the morning.
2010年7月12日~7月17日/18日上午 |
Week 2: Theme Fashion & Design 主题二:时尚与设计 |
Start date: Monday, July 19th, 8:30 am until Saturday, July 24th evening / or Sunday, July 25th in the morning.
2010年7月19日~7月24日/25日上午 |
Week 3: Theme Film &Movie 主题三:影视与摄影 |
Start date: Monday, July 26th, 8:30 am until Saturday, July 31st evening / or Sunday, August 1st in the morning.
2010年7月26日~7月31日/8月1日上午 |
Week 4: Theme Painting 主题四:绘画 |
Start date: Monday, August 2nd, 8:30 am until Saturday, Aug 7th evening / or Sunday, Aug. 8th in the morning.
2010年8月2日~8月7日/8日上午 |
Week 5: ThemeTheater
Start date: Monday, August 9th, 8:30 am until Saturday, Aug. 14th evening / or Sunday, Aug. 15th in the morning.
2010年8月9日~ 8月14日/15日上午 |
- The weekly theme means, that students will have one day of the week, focusing on the theme of the week.
- You have to let us know with your application whether you would like to be picked up by your parents on Saturday after our good-bye Party or the next morning on Sunday.
- For more information to this question, look under: http://waldorfcamp.org/cn/pages/schedule2010.php (Chinese)
- For more information to this question, look under: http://waldorfcamp.org/en/pages/schedule2010.php (English)
- 每周主题是指,在每周的其中一天,学生们将得到关于指定主题的集中培训。
- 请在申请时注明您将在周六晚上闭营晚会结束后还是周日上午(由家长接送)离营。
3.3 What do we learn and what activities will we do at the WaldorfCamp?
- Have a look at our website under the topic “Schedule“ for the schedule of our WaldorfCamp 2010.
- 有关2010年西安华德福夏令营具体安排情况,请浏览我们的官方网站的“日程安排”栏目。
- Here, some details to our curricula and activities during the WaldorfCamp:
- 这里我们列出在华德福夏令营的课程和活动明细:
- English classes / 英文课程:
- English in practice (activities) / 英文课外活动训练:
- Text books in use / 教材:
- Activities around our curricular / 课程活动:
- Every-day “needs” / 日常生活开支:
- Food and Accommodations / 伙食与住宿:
- Evenings / 特殊晚上活动: a. American BBQ, b. European Ettiquette Dinner, c. Movies
- Trips and Excursions from the campus of the hosting school / 外出游览参观:
3.4 What kind of training to the foreign teachers for WaldorfCamps have?
- You only get the best-trained and experienced English teachers available. Every foreign teacher has a professional English teacher training and is certified by WaldorfCamp to teach every age group of students. The Teachers are all from the USA, UK and Europe.
- 您家在华德福夏令营领略到经过专业培训、具有丰富教育经验的英文外教的快乐教学。每一位外教都是经过华德福夏令营严格征选认证的,具有针对不同年龄学生特质的培训能力,他们都来自于英文纯正的美国、英国以及欧洲其他国家 。
3.5 Do I have to have an English name?
- Yes, during the whole WaldorfCamp we will speak English only and therefore you will also have to choose yourself an English name – or the Team of Tutors will give you a beautiful sounding and meaningful name.
- 是的,由于在华德福夏令营期间,我们是全英文的语言环境,因此您需要为自己取一个合适的英文名——或者由我们的外教老师为您取一个动听又有意思的名字。
3.6 Who are the tutors from the WaldorfCamp and where do they come from?
- During the whole WaldorfCamp we will teach, do our activities in English and speak English only. Therefore, the tutors for the English classes (1 English teacher per 25 students) and the activities will be European and American native English speaking teachers, who will especially come from overseas to you to the WaldorfCamp. There will also be local tutors, who understand Chinese but also are able to fluently speak English during the entire WaldorfCamp for comforting both, foreign tutors and participating students off all ages and gender.
- 在华德福夏令营,我们将不但教授专门的英文课程,还要进行全英文的课外活动。因此,我们将安排外教为每班25位同学进行小班授课,带领同学们活动。这些外教都来自英语为母语的国家和地区,专程赶到中国参加华德福夏令营。同时为了便于沟通管理,我们会安排当地的指导老师协助这些外教的工作,学生们有任何疑难也可以向这些中国的指导老师寻求帮助。
3.7 How do the tutors know me on the WaldorfCamp?
- When you arrive, you will get a WaldorfCamp T-shirt with a fancy and beautiful design. And you will receive a nametag, which you should not loose during the WaldorfCamp (and if – tell your tutor for getting a new one!) and stick the tag to your T-shirt every day. The name sticker will have your English name (and your participants’ number and Chinese name on the back), by which everybody will call you J
- 当您来到华德福夏令营,您将得到一件华德福特别设计的 T恤衫和您个人的姓名牌,请您在夏令营参与期间妥善保管好您的这些物品(万一丢失——请联系任何老师都可以进行补办!)。将印有您中英文姓名及编号的姓名牌别到身上,其他同学和老师就都能认出您来。
3.8 How do we sleep at the WaldorfCamp?
- We will all stay together. Students and tutors will live at the campus of the hostingschool, which has boarding facilities.
- You will sleep among students your age and gender and split up for the daytime activities according to your choices and the level of English you are currently in.
- Student dorms are 4, 6, and 8 person bedrooms.
- If special requirements (from medical indication – pls, let us know through your application form!) are needed, we will arrange accordingly.
- 学生与老师将同住在当地合作学校的校园内,学校提供寄宿所需盥洗等用品。
- 您将和与您同龄的伙伴住在一起,将按照你们选择的课程活动及英文水平进行分配。
- 学生宿舍有4、6和8人间。
- 如果您有特别需求(例如用药情况——请务必在申请表中告知我们!),我们将根据情况进行特别安排。
3.9 What happens if I suddenly feel sick and have to see a doctor?
- During the whole WaldorfCamp we will have medical assistance at the venue.
- If it is a bit more serious, we will immediately take you to hospital to see a specialist.
- If the doctor says that you have to stay in bed and recovery for a while, we will talk with your parents and have to send you home. When you miss too many of interesting times at the WaldorfCamp and you have fully recovered before the WaldorfCamp 2010 ends, you can certainly to join us again at a later time – you will not be charged extra again.
- All participants will have aaccident- and health insurance during the WaldorfCamp.
- 整个华德福夏令营期间,我们将有专门的医疗人员和设施进驻我们的营地。
- 如果情况比较严重,我们将立刻送您去医院就诊。
- 如果医生说明您需要卧床休息一段时间才能恢复,我们将与您的父母直接联系,并将您安全送回家中。如果康复后您想补上错过的营地课程和活动,您可以在2010年整个夏令营结束前任何时间返回——不收取额外费用。
- 所有的参与者在华德福夏令营期间将获得由我们购买提供的医疗及意外保险。
3.10 What do I need to bring to the WaldorfCamp?
- When you register, you get an Information kit with all the data and information what to bring etc.
- After you registered online, please pick up your information kit at the hosting school during office hours.
- 当您已经注册成功,您将获得一份指导手册,列明所有关于我们的信息及您需要准备的事项等。
- 如果您是通过网上申请注册,您可以到当地合作学校获取一份指导手册。
3.11 Can we bring cell phones, cameras, mp3-player and GameBoys, PlayStations and other electronic devices?
- All these gadgets are very expensive and distort your attention from the social activities and the group. We would like you NOT to bring all these things.
- If you bring expensive cell phones and other stuff to the WaldorfCamp, the organizer will not be responsible for them in case, they get lost. Remember, there are many participants your age, older and younger on the campus, who will not have these things.
- If you want to make phone calls to your parents, before bedtime there will be time and you can talk to your tutor to use your own phone or borrow one of him.
- 这些贵重的电子设备可能会让你在学习和活动过程中分心,我们建议您在夏令营期间不要携带使用这些设备。
- 如果您已经携带了贵重的手机等物品到华德福夏令营,主办方将不承担任何丢失赔偿责任。请您理解,由于到时将由很多不同年龄的小朋友、大朋友与您一起在夏令营生活,他们未必拥有或者携带这些电子设备。
- 如果在夏令营期间您想与家人通电话,在晚上休息之前您可以与指导老师报告使用您的手机或者借用他们的手机。
3.12 Can we bring or drink alcohol during the WaldorfCamp?
- NO. According to the hosting school’s regulation, you are not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverages or use drugs during the WaldorfCamp. In case the tutors will find out about you violating this general rule, you will be suspended and send home on your own expenses without any refund for the lost time on the WaldorfCamp.
- 不可以。根据合作学校的管理规定,学生禁止在校园内携带或饮用任何酒精类制品、毒品。万一指导老师发现您有违反校规行为,您将被取消参与资格并被送返回家,恕不退还任何费用。
3.13 Can we bring cigarettes or smoke during the WaldorfCamp?
- NO. According to the hosting school’s regulation, you are not allowed to smoke or use drugs during the WaldorfCamp. In case the tutors will find out about you violating this general rule, you will be suspended and send home on your own expenses without any refund for the lost time on the WaldorfCamp.
- 不可以。根据合作学校的管理规定,学生禁止在校园内吸烟或毒品。万一指导老师发现您有违反校规行为,您将被取消参与资格并被送返回家,恕不退还任何费用。
3.14 If I want to leave the WaldorfCamp for a certain time (day or evening) – to whom do I speak for letting the organizers know about my absence?
- Generally this is possible, but only under certain circumstances:
- During the whole time of the WaldorfCamp, your Chinese local tutor will be the person in charge to know everything about your plans during the entire WaldorfCamp. S(H)e is the person, you have to talk to and make sure she/he allows you to do so.
- Your tutor has to know about your plans and agree in any case. It is not possible that you talk to one of the Western foreign tutors for example during classes and then just leave.
- 一般来说这种情况是允许的,但是需要遵守相关的规定:
- 在整个华德福夏令营期间,您需要中国指导老师通报您的行动安排,他们是专门帮助您适应营地生活的老师。
- 您需要告知中国指导老师关于您的行动的具体情况,而不是仅仅告知外教之后就离开。
4 Accomodation and Food / 关于住宿和伙食
4.1 What if I am allergic to certain food?
- When you register, we need to know about all your medical conditions and allergies.
- During the WaldorfCamp we will strictly keep your diet, if necessary – as recommended by your parents and your doctor, don’t worry J
- 在您注册的时候,我们需要获悉所有关于您的用药情况和过敏史。
- 在华德福夏令营期间,我们将根据您父母或医生嘱托严格规范您的饮食,请不用特别担心。
5 About WaldorfCamp network / 关于全球华德福夏令营
5.1 Are you planning to do the WaldorfCamps regularly in China?
- Yes, we plan to annually return to China with our World WaldorfCamps.
- We are working hard on bringing the WaldorfCamps also to other cities across China.
- The hosting school in Xi’an will be hosting us the upcoming years for Northwest China and especially Shaanxi Province.
- 是的,我们计划在中国一年一度举行华德福国际英语夏令营。
- 我们力图将华德福夏令营推广到全中国更多的城市。
- 西安当地的合作学校将作为未来我们在中国西北地区特别是陕西省的指定合作伙伴。
5.2 What kind of Camps did the organization team of WaldorfCamp already do and where?
- WaldorfCamp exists in Europe for over 25 years. WaldorfCamp organizes sports and English camps all over the world.
- 华德福夏令营在欧洲已经成功运营了25年,主要在全世界各地举办英语与运动结合的夏令营活动。
5.3 What is Osterfreizeit?
- Osterfreizeit is a division of WaldorfCamp. The camps usually take place in Europe and focus on physical activity of kids from 7 to 21 years of age.
- Osterfreizeit是华德福夏令营旗下的一个夏令营,它通常在欧洲举行,主要是针对7至21岁青少年进行体能素质培训。
5.4 What countries to you plan in the future and where on WaldorfCamps?
- Please check our website www.waldorfcamp.org to find out about current and future activities.
- 请参考我们的官方网站www.waldorfcamp.org浏览我们现在和未来的活动安排详情。
5.5 Can I find WaldorfCamps also in my region?
- Please check our website www.waldorfcamp.org to find out about current and future activities.
- 请参考我们的官方网站www.waldorfcamp.org浏览我们现在和未来的活动安排详情。
6 My questions / 我的问题
6.1 My questions are not answered here at the “FAQ” – where can I call for help?
- For questions about how to find the school office to register: call 029-84289290
- For questions how to pay the payment for the WaldorfCamp: call 021-56719930
- For questions what to expect from the curriculum during the WaldorfCamp in Xi’An, write us an E-mail
- If you want special camps for you, you also can write or call us.
- 关于如何去西安当地的合作学校报名,请拨打:029-84289290
- 关于如何交费,请拨打上海总部电话:021-56719930
- 如果您想对西安华德福夏令营的活动有更多了解,请写邮件给我们
- 如果您想为您特别制定夏令营计划,您也可以电话或邮件联系我们。
6.2 Call us for assistance and help!
- Camp in Xi’An / 西安营地: +86-29-84289290
- Headquarter in Shanghai / 上海总部: +86-21-56719930